A Guide to Reading the News

I think many Americans / North Americans are aware to some extent that US media is very partisan, very biased, and not a good source of news. Obviously, if you are part of the Fox News readership or the CNN readership, you’re going to think that your favourite news source is “right”. That doesn’t mean that it isn’t propaganda.

As a solution to this problem, I am often told that BBC is “an impartial source” or “read RT or Al Jazeera”, which is not very good advice because BBC, RT, and AJE are also biased. Recently, I compiled a list of relatively reputable and not-so-reputable news sources with different viewpoints, which I believe is the next best thing to a totally neutral source.

Warning: if you are accessing Al Jazeera English in the US, you will be directed to Al Jazeera USA. To prevent this from happening, access through proxy.


^^ Link to opml file

The feed readers that I have tried are feedly, the old reader, inoreader, and aol reader. Feedly is definitely the most popular one, but a lot of its basic features, such as search, are paid only. The Old Reader was wonderful, but recently capped subscriptions to 100 for free users. Right now, I think Inoreader and AOL are the best alternatives with a lot of amazing features — however, so far I’ve been unable to import to AOL reader.

To subscribe to the feed bundle in Inoreader:

  • Click the gear at the top right corner
  • Click Preferences
  • Click OPML subscriptions
  • Copy link and edit settings as you like

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